Entre la flora silvestre y los arroyos puros de deshielo, impregnados de aromas de jarilla, tomillo, ruda y especias, surge un oasis natural al pie de los Andes. A pesar de su gran altitud, ha llegado a ser conocido como el Valle de Uco.

Debido a elevaciones entre 1100 y 1300 metros, los viñedos del Valle de Uco soportan veranos con variaciones de temperatura diurnas de hasta 13°C del día a la noche. Este clima extremo obliga a las vides a trabajar más duro, impulsando el color y la intensidad de la fruta en las uvas.

Aquí es donde se encuentran los viñedos de Texto Súbito, rodeados por su dedicada red de pequeñas empresas familiares de viticultores en Tupungato, Gualtallary, Tunuyán, La Arboleda, Vista Flores y otras subregiones del Valle de Uco de primera clase.

Seleccionando y mezclando la mejor fruta de cada cosecha, el equipo de enólogos de Texto Súbito elabora vinos con una sobresaliente transparencia de terroir a través de prácticas de intervención mínima; vinos que revelan la esencia del oasis montañoso del Valle de Uco en cada copa.


Region: Uco Valley, Mendoza Elevations: 2600 to 3900 feet (800 to 1200 meters) Soil Structure: Deep, alluvial soils with a clay and rock base and stony, sandy surface, leading to healthier, stronger plants with higher-quality grapes.

San Carlos

Region: Uco Valley, Mendoza Elevations: average elevation 3300 feet (1100 meters) Soil Structure: alluvial terrain perfect for viticulture. Dry and free-draining soils that force the vines to work hard for hydration and nutrients.


Region: Uco Valley, Mendoza Elevations: From 3300 to 5300 feet (1000 to 1600 meters) Soil Structure: A wide variety of stony alluvial soils, all extremely free draining, with limestone in some subregions.

Uco Valley

Region: Mendoza, Argentina Elevations: From 2600 to 5300 feet (800 to 1600 meters) Situated along the eastern foothills of the Andes Cordillera, Uco Valley is comprised of three major regions: Tupungato in the north, Tunuyán in the middle and San Carlos in the south.


Subregion: Tupungato, Uco Valley Elevations: From 3300 to 5249 feet (1080 to 1600 meters) Soil Structure: Poor, stony, free-draining alluvial soils interlaced with layers of sand and limestone. Description: Distinctive wines from extremely high altitudes with high minerality from limestone subsoils. Limited water stresses the vines and intensifies varietal character. Vineyard sourcing: Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon

La Arboleda 

Subregion: Tupungato, Uco Valley Elevations: 3300 feet (1100 meters) Soil Structure: Deep, sandy and loamy soils with decomposed granite. Description: Wines of excellent structure and fruit intensity noteworthy for their fruit-forward aromas. Vineyard sourcing: Viognier

Vista Flores

Subregion: Tunuyán, Uco Valley Elevations: 3300 feet (1100 meters) Soil Structure: Alluvial soils deposited over time by water flows from the tops of the Andes. Sandy clay, rock and silty loam. Description: Extreme diurnal temperature variation ensures a balance of complex flavours and acidity. Wines from the region are rich, well structured and highly concentrated. Vineyard sourcing:Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc

Tres Esquinas

Subregion: San Carlos, Uco Valley Elevations: 3250 feet (1000 meters) Soil Structure: The soils of alluvial origin, with a rocky and clay base and a stony, sandy surface, encouraging the vines to develop strong and deep roots. Description: Located in the southern part of Uco Valley, San Carlos is known for balanced ripeness and acidity in both red and white grape varieties. Vineyard sourcing: Sauvignon Blanc

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Texto Súbito

Valle de Uco.

Mendoza, Argentina.


T: +54 0800-999-8466


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